Metal may appear to lose its value as soon as it has been used, but it is actually one of the more valuable materials for recycling and one that is heavily in demand. It is collected and processed by most recycling centres and scrap yards in the midlands, and it holds onto its value well. Most kinds of metal can be continually recycled over and over again, without any loss of quality in their overall properties. Recycling metal can bring in a valuable stream of revenue and it can also help protect the environment. When you are recycling metal in the midlands, here is a basic guide to the different types of metals that you can send to the scrap merchants.
1. Recycle Steel
Steel has been recycled for centuries. The process for recycling steel has now become highly sophisticated and helps preserve energy and resources. You can recycle practically anything that is made out of steel, from beams to alloys, machinery to metal sheets. Householders can easily recycle cans. If steel is sent to a landfill it is a very wasteful process, so recycling is preferable in most cases. Recycled steel can be made into various objects, from cars to building frames. Recycling steel uses far less energy than creating steel from scratch, and it can be used to manufacture cheaper goods.
2. Reuse Copper
Copper is another valuable metal that the Scrap Yards Tipton offers usually accept. Copper is used for wiring, pipes, building materials, furniture, and jewellery, among many other uses. The colour of copper makes it valuable for decorative purposes. Copper retains its value well through numerous recycling processes and you can get a lot of money for your copper from the scrap yard.
3. Recycle Aluminium
Recycling aluminium uses considerably less energy than making items out of new aluminium. By recycling this metal you are helping drive down the cost of manufacture, as well as helping protect the environment. Recycled aluminium is used for many purposes, including drinks cans and food containers, cars, and mechanical equipment.
4. Valuable Lead
Lead is a hugely important material to recycle. For one reason, if lead is sent to landfill it can gradually find its way into the groundwater supply, where it can be harmful to the environment and to people’s health. For another reason, lead is always needed to make batteries, and essential medical equipment. It can be a valuable metal to sell to scrap merchants.
Image: Image courtesy of thawats/