What Plants and Vegetables Grow Well with a Hydroponic System? All the Info You Need to Know

The truth is that you can basically grow anything with a hydroponic system as long as you’re willing to spend enough time and energy (not to mention resources) to do it – though some vegetables and plants are easier to grow than others. What you would like to grow will depend entirely on your own tastes, as it were. However, there are a few crops that may seem more worth your while than others; not only because there is a greater return of investment, but also because with some crops, it’s easier to greatly improve the quality than it is with others. Here’s all the information you need to know on which crops to grow and how to make your personal choice.


Make a list of your family’s preferences

Involve your family and think about the most liked vegetables you want to have on the table. It may be easy or interesting to grow carrots or radishes, but if your family doesn’t eat them, the time and energy is then just spent on growing a crop that nobody will enjoy. Plan on growing a few different vegetables; but limit it to two or three.

Go for what you don’t find

There may be certain food that can’t be found in the supermarket – or if you do find it there, it may be of lesser quality. Also, don’t forget that with a hydroponics system you can grow all year round, so you may want to consider crops that are out of season.

Go for great improvement potential

Whilst it may be fun to grow potatoes or turnips, the ones that your hydroponics system produces won’t taste much different from those grown outside on the farm – there simply isn’t much room for improvement. However, you can really taste the difference when it comes to lettuce, tomatoes, celery, and herbs.

Stick with the compact

Don’t try pumpkins or other lumpy vegetables – see if you can stick to short and bushy plants. Anything can be grown with a hydroponics system, of course, but maintenance is so much easier when the plants are stocky and short.

As mentioned, there really is no rule on what to grow and not to grow – the hydroponics system creates so many options that you can virtually grow anything you set your mind on. But there are some practical considerations and to make the most of your garden it’s practical to choose plants and crops that give you the most pleasure. Tasting your own, home-grown vegetables is a source of great pride and satisfaction, so you might as well make the most of it. Farming is a rewarding job. Happy growing and bon appétit!

Image attributed to Stoonn/FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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